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Third Transnational Meeting,

6-8 of June, 2016, Blaszki, Poland


The third transnational meeting took place in Błaszki, Poland, between 6th to 8th June, 2016.


Being the last meeting in the project, the overall discussions mainly centred about what and how we have done the activities, but also on final report and other impact, visibility or dissemination issues:

  1. Free speeches about the importance of international cooperation in the project and the benefits it brings.

  2. intercultural meeting with teachers and students exchange experience about the project,

  3. examples of non-formal education and activities in host school during the project

  4. summarized the tasks related to the implementation of the project "Forum Theatre". The groups discussed the details of completing the project web site.

  5. Partners’ presentations of the activities so far and achievements of results

  6. a dialogue about suggestions and exchanged ideas on the final report.

  7. Each partner presented a summary of organisation activities (coordination, monitoring, dissemination), analysed the cooperation between partners, monitored the budget in their schools. 

  8. A session on the evaluation of the project, the deliverables and goals achieved, the key success factors were underlined by the international coordinator and all the partner teams.

  9. we set the sustainability and future collaboration in European projects.

  10. the main coordinator concluded in the final speech about two years of work in the project, stressed the huge contribution of each partner in achieving the goals, fruitful cooperation, friendly atmosphere.


Partners agreed that two years of working together, gaining knowledge about the non-formal method of Forum Theatre, learning about the culture and mentality of our European friends have been a unique experience for each of us. All the objectives of the project have been achieved


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